Access (Temporal Echoes of the Eternal, Graces and Mercies)

On Sunday our pastor at church continued his series on the Beatitudes.

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God

- Matthew 5:9

The concept of being a peacemaker was modeled by God. Because of man’s rebellion, we were literally at war with God. The only way to atone for our sins was to present sacrifices of animals and grain at the temple where God resided. There were precise offerings to be made depending on offenses, as well as the economic status of the offender. God modeled the above verse, by making peace with us though the death and resurrection of Jesus.

I was reflecting on what it must have been like for Hebrews in the Old Testament. When a personal crisis like ours would occur, you would go to the temple and make an offering as prescribed by the Mosaic law. I can’t imagine the terror of first being scared about my situation, and then hoping that your sacrifice was enough to make me acceptable to God. I’m sure that I would bring along a little bit more, just in case. You would never know where you stood in the eyes of God.

I got a small glimpse at how blessed I am to not have to worry about whether or not I am acceptable to God. Through the final sacrifice of God’s Son, all doubt is taken away. Not only am I at peace with God, I can be confident that He considers me his son (little “s”), because through Christ I am adopted into his family:

He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will
– Ephesians 1:5

I don’t have to seek an audience or wait for an appointment. Because of Jesus, I know that I am His child, able to talk privately, intimately, openly and honestly. That last one is getting more and more important. Because of this relationship, I tell God that this situation is rotten, that I don’t think it’s fair. I can tell him, in my humanness, what I think of this world that’s under His authority where children get these kinds of diseases. I don’t have to worry that I’m going to get kicked out of his graces because He knows my need to work through this, and will patiently, lovingly accept me back into His presence.

Even more importantly, as His beloved, He hears me. Even before I started crying out to him to take care of this situation and to heal my son, God had started the process to support and care for me and my family. Through friends and family (and that line is becoming more and more blurry), we are being lifted up hour by hour. The messages of hope and encouragement keep pouring in through the CaringBridge site, through emails, calls and visits. He hears me and knows exactly what I need, what Deb needs and what Ian needs, and provides them in ways that surprise me.

Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him,
for he shields him all day long,
and the one the Lord loves rests between His shoulders.

– Deuteronomy 32:12

The image I have in that is of a child getting a piggyback ride, or riding in one of those backpacks, and feeling safe enough to fall asleep.


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