Waiting for the Act 3 Climax (Temporal Echoes of the Eternal, Life Between the Bookends)

While on vacation, I read Donald Miller’s A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.  In a year of reading some great books, this one was a perfect way to end 2009.  I read (and watched) this post on his blog, and wanted to pass it along to anyone who bothers to come by my little site.

I’ve prayed for years to see this life with the eyes of eternity, to have an eternal perspective on the temporal.  The message that Donald brings is a good start; as soon as we stop looking for things in this life for our fulfillment, we can be open to God’s fulfillment.  However, the third act climax that Donald talks about isn’t the end of the story.  The scene doesn’t fade to black.  Instead, it’s the beginning of the real story.

It’s easy (and often tempting) to view this temporal life as “my story,” and when it’s done, my story is done.  Instead, if I’m going to think of my life in terms of eternity, then this life should always be framed not as a story in and of itself, but more like a single-paragraph preface.  What we were made for, our purpose and identity, will be fulfilled in Heaven.

Even living “happily ever after” isn’t enough to describe Heaven.  There will be no climax to our story, because each day will be better than the one before.

I can’t imagine that.  But, that’s my limitation, not God’s.

P.S.  Stop by in a day or two; I’ve got a couple of blog posts percolating, including some final thoughts on Job.


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