On the other hand… (Graces and Mercies, Tom)

I asked Deb to look at that last post, and she thought it was a little big fatalistic…OK, maybe a lot fatalistic. She pointed out that, not only are do we still have a live little boy, he’s actually doing very well. There are no tumor symptoms, we’re working on the existing conditions successfully, and he’s doing very well in school.

So, it’s obvious that something is causing me to paint everything black from time to time. It’s sometimes difficult to see spiritual warfare for what it is when the enemy is actively engaging me, but that’s 90% of the battle, IMHO. So, in order to more effectively combat this, I’ve started reading the followup to Victory Over the Darkness. It’s The Bondage Breaker (once again, by Neil Anderson). I’ve just started it, but from what I’ve read so far, it seems like one of the best materials I’ve seen that deals with personal spiritual warfare. The premise is simple: Satan’s weapon is the lie. Our counter-weapon is God’s truth.

Stay tuned for more postings as I get more into this book.


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