Benefit Information (Graces and Mercies)

Friends at the company where I work (Data Recognition Corporation) have organized three benefit opportunities for our family:

  • CiCi’s Pizza in Plymouth has graciously agreed to host a day where you can eat pizza for Ian! On Wednesday, February 18th, if you mention the Ian Henderson benefit at the register, CiCi’s will donate to our benefit fund.
  • On February 23rd, a raffle will be held! Prizes include: a $50 movie gift certificate, a Nikon CoolPix S202 camera, an iPod Nano, and a Nintendo Wii!
  • A silent auction will also be held on February 23rd. Items up for bid include rounds of golf, a muskie fishing trip, jewelry and more!

Information about these opportunities can be found at

Update: If you do not live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, but wish to participate in either the auction or the raffle, please contact Julie Albertson at 612-327-5972, or at Thanks, Julie!

  1. #1 by Anonymous on February 15th, 2009

    i live in nc and would like to get some of the tickets for the raffes but i didnt see any way to buy them.did i miss a way or do you just have to mail them in to somewhere if so im lost there to becase i didnt see an address,so please post for me.if i cant get in in bu tuesday then i wont be able to mail it out,thank you for your help.drema

  2. #2 by Anonymous on February 17th, 2009

    Update: If you do not live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, but wish to participate in either the auction or the raffle, please contact Julie Albertson at 612-327-5972, or at Thanks, Julie!

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