As a Friend Said…”This Sucks” (Ian, Announcements)

Ever since we got back from Florida, we’ve noticed some recurring tumor symptoms. At first, we thought that Ian was just exhausted from the trip, and that was bringing on the symptoms.

Unfortunately, we found out today that his tumor is growing, and growing quickly. There are no long-term options at this point. Please be in prayer for all of us over the next few days, as Deb and I will be having a difficult conversation about the best thing to do for Ian’s quality of life.

We are fully confident that our God is good, and is powerful, and will be with us through this time. Also, we take joy in the fact that Ian has a clear and definite faith in Jesus; in fact, he will be baptized a week from Sunday. He is very excited about this, as are we.


  1. #1 by Jennifer on November 14th, 2008

    Tom & Deb,

    I'm so sorry to hear that news. Please know you all are in our prayers and thoughts. I wish we had more to offer.

    Jenn & Steve Blessing

  2. #2 by Franklin on November 14th, 2008

    We will be adding (even more) special prayer intentions for Ian and your family.

    Christ’s Peace

  3. #3 by songstress7 on November 16th, 2008

    Oh Tom…

    My prayers are with all three of you. I don’t understand what God’s trying to do here, with you and me and Paul, but whatever it is, I hope we all get to where He’s taking us.

    I will yet see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living…

    Much love.

  4. #4 by Pablo on November 17th, 2008


    I just returned from the first night of a four-night mission retreat at our church. Interestingly enough, the speaker, a Capuchin friar, spoke about St. Ignatius Loyola and how he went through a deep clinical depression (although they didn’t call it that in the 1600s). During that time, he wrote much of his Spiritual Exercises. Part of this can be condensed into three principles in dealing with the darkness in our lives.

    1) Never change direction in the dark (this also works for physical darkness as my little toe found out recently).

    2) Push back against the darkness.

    3) Remember that the darkness is not permanent.

    The first one is sort of obvious, especially in the physical sense. The second one makes logical sense in the spiritual and psychological sense. It’s the third one that seems to kick my butt around the place. Being prone to bouts of depression, it’s hard to remember that it’s not permanent, especially with everything that’s happened in the past year.

    I did not bring this up in order to provide unsolicited, trite advice. Rather, I mention it in support of your journey, as Jennifer and I have felt like we’re groping around in the dark lately. Even after only one night of four, I wish that you all could be here, as this four-day retreat seems to be providing a bit of the hope that has been lacking from my life lately, and don’t we all need a little more hope as of late.

    Hugs all around from both of us (and a long-distance hug to Denni as well).

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