Apologies, and Thanks (Announcements)

Confession time: I’ve been feeling a little sorry for myself that I haven’t gotten any comments on my last two posts.  Two weeks had gone by since I made all the changes, and it seems like nobody has been visiting.  I was expecting to receive email alerts whenever a comment was sent, informing me that I needed to approve/disapprove it.

I bothered to check the administrative page today, and found multiple ones waiting for me.  Thank you all for bothering to stop by and read this drivel.  And thank you even more for your prayers and thoughts back.


PS  Actually, Paul, I did not have the guts to repel “Aussie style” that day.  However, given the chance now, I would love to.  For those wondering, this is Aussie style:

I don’t suppose anyone out there is into that sort of thing?

  1. #1 by Kathy Eineke on June 20th, 2009

    Tom, you are a wonderful father. The wisdom and guidance you gave to Ian are still within you. I anxiously wait to see how God will use these qualities. I love you, and pray for you daily…love, Mom

  2. #2 by Uncle Bill & Aunt Peggy on June 20th, 2009

    Dear Tom,

    We want you to know we do read your web site(s) but do not always comment. We realize you are continuing on a journey and are willing to do The Lord’s will…so do not give up. Posting your thoughts help us to know how to continue to pray. Remember you are a father, as well as a son (twice over) and most importantly your heavenly Father loves you. You have been a blessing to many.

    Last night we took Grandma Mary down to the Relay for Life for awhile. Kathy was involved and had given 2 luminaries in memory of Ian. It was good to see both the young & OLD taking part….as the relay was from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. no doubt the young lasted longer..:)

    Because He came,
    Uncle Bill & Aunt Peggy

    PS: We posted earlier but it did not ‘take’…so doing
    a repeat…:)

  3. #3 by PJ Holmertz on June 20th, 2009

    Hey Tom!
    I wanted to drop you a quick comment of hopeful encouragement. I was thinking about you today with Fathers Day coming tomorrow. I wanted to let you know how following your story has made me want to be a better dad. Your example of self sacrifice and love for your son has made me want to grab a hold of every minute with my kids. It is so easy to let fatigue or the desire for diversion steal me away but I have seen that every minute is important. Thank you for your example, my kids have a better dad because of your example so on behalf of them (and because they don’t realize this yet because they are 3 and 1)
    “Happy Father’s Day and thank you for helping our daddy be a better daddy”
    PJ (and on behalf of Sarah and Aiden)

  4. #4 by Tonya Rodriguez on June 21st, 2009

    God bless you Tom, thinking of you and keeping you in prayer. I’m glad Deb reposted the link I had lost the location of your blog. I love reading your post. They uplift me and encourage me so much. You and Deb have no idea how you have blessed so many other’s by the faith you have shown and the dedication that you have to keep Ian’s legacy going. In Him Tonya.

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