Shining in God’s Timing, for God’s Purpose

I’m going through a time at work that I would just rather avoid, if I had a choice. It’s not fatal, I’m thankful to still have a job and I can see how it can be a step forward eventually. However, in the short term…let’s just say that I’ve had more pleasant prospects.

Last evening, I had an accident with our snowblower, and it’s not working at the moment. So, I was outside at 5:15 a.m., shoveling out the driveway. Since I wasn’t having to maneuver a snowblower, I bothered to take a few seconds to look up and see if there were any stars. I saw a few stars, a planet, and a quarter moon.

I’ve always preferred partially-lighted phases to a full moon, just because, to me, it looks more three-dimensional. This morning, the moon was very clear; a distinct sphere, placed in the sky and incompletely illuminated. I felt the Holy Spirit point out a correlation. God designed the orbits of the Earth and Moon for a reason, for His purposes. For example, civilizations have used moon phases as a means for keeping track of time for millenia. I felt the Holy Spirit say, “That was My purpose, and the heavens change in My timing. There are reasons and a design behind the arrangement. Similarly, you’re going through a dim time; I haven’t left you, and later, in My timing, you will shine again. But the only way you shine is by My light, and for My purpose.”

I pray that I will maintain an eternal perspective. If I shine, Lord, then let it be in Your timing and by Your light.

  1. #1 by Brant Skogrand on December 6th, 2007

    When life gets difficult, I remind myself of John 21:17-19 and to focus on Him even when going through hard times.

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