I Feel Rather Obsolete (House Projects, Fun Stuff)

2010 was ushered in not with a bang, but with a snore.  Deb and I enjoyed a take-out supper from a fantastic local Italian restaurant by the fireside.  We talked, watched part of a John Pinette comedy video…

…and then, time for bed.

To be honest, both of us were anxious to be shed of 2009.  It has been perhaps the worst year of my life.  In retrospect, I wish I could have traded it in for 2006.  I probably shredded the receipt, so tough luck.

Today, we met some dear friends for brunch at the Lake Elmo Inn.  Our appetites sated, we talked until the manager asked for our table back (honest!).  The food was excellent, but the company was more nourishing.

The friends also gave me a gift that they had laying around their house unused: A Denon AVR-3803 surround-sound receiver.  I was truly satisfied with circa-1989 stereo receiver that I was using.  However, a free upgrade is a free upgrade, so I gratefully received it.

Looking at the back of that thing, I felt excited.  Reading the manual, I feel truly…old.  I’m in the in-between stage of getting rid of something I’m used to and getting to know something new.  After hooking everything up (that I could do–I need to buy a few cables and adapters), it took me three minutes just to get some sound out of the silly thing.

Also, this means another side project–I need to pick up a couple of rear speakers and make speaker stands for the rear channels!  Time to go to Best Buy and Home Depot!


  1. #1 by Dan on January 16th, 2010

    That Pinnette guy is hilarious! Hope you’re doing well. See you Monday.

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