First Day of School (Ian, Pictures, Events)

I’m a little behind on posting some pictures of current events.  Here is catchup post #1:

Last Tuesday, Ian started first grade.  It was a big day: first day of school, in a new building (for Ian, and newly constructed) in a new school (Aspen Academy, their first year in existence).  Deb and I wanted to come up with some kind of first-day-of-school tradition, so after the picture-taking, we went out for breakfast.

At the school, it was the chaos that you would expect, given the circumstances.  It was a little difficult to take this step, especially given current circumstances with Ian’s health.  But Aspen Academy has been wonderful about being willing to work with us to monitor Ian’s condition and help him out however they can.  And, at 8:30 a.m., we let go of our son a little bit more…

One small step for a little boy,
but one big step for the Henderson family…

There was a whole lotta white shirts and khaki pants
at school that day.

Dad, you can put the camera away any time now.

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