This year, by God’s grace, we get to have a blue Christmas.
We have been blessed to enjoy a few days in the Ft. Myers, FL area. The weather has been good (at least, a whole lot better than the weather in MN). We have enjoyed the beaches in Ft. Myers, Sanibel and Captiva. We have eaten way too much, and all the other things one does on vacation.

This was at The Bubble Room in Captiva. The food was great, but the decor was incredible.
In short, this has been about as good as life reasonably gets. We have been working to enjoy where we are now, and not think about what we will be doing in the future. That’s a change from how I have been living over the past few months. I have been focused on the future so much, that I feel like I’ve been missing out on the present. I’ve been praying lately that God would help me to be thankful for each day, and to see it as a gift. It might sound like cheating, but I can finally say that He’s done it. I have been thankful for each of the past few days.

I have never seen as many shells as there were on the beach at Lover's Key.
All-in-all, both Deb and I would rather have a “normal” Christmas, with a little boy tearing through giftwrapping like a tornado through a trailer park.* However, that wasn’t in God’s plan. We had been concerned about the horrible emptiness that would have greeted us tomorrow morning. Now, we get to celebrate a “blue Christmas”–blue water, blue skies. And dolphins, for cryin’ at night! We have dolphins swimming and feeding outside our patio!
(Cue Elvis)
Thank you…Thank you very much…

We stopped on our way back from Sanibel just to get pictures of this sunset.
*My apologies to anyone who lives in a trailer park. They are fine places. It was just the first metaphor that came to mind.
#1 by Denni on December 25th, 2009
{{{{Christmas Hugs}}}} to both of you… I’m glad you’re enjoying where you are right at this point.
We actually got a light dusting of snow in Murphysboro earlier this morning, but it’s already stopped – but since I live in Phoenix, and it usually waits to snow in deep Southern Illinois until AFTER Christmas, I’m happy with it.
Blessings to you, much love, catch up with you later!