Archive for September, 2010
Getting Low, Getting Honest (Responses to Our Culture)
Posted by Tom in Uncategorized on September 15th, 2010
We saw the new Robert Duvall movie, “Get Low”. I won’t call it a Christian movie per se. There is no scene of salvation. But, it is a good example of how we will isolate ourselves out of pride and shame. We want to lock ourselves into a prison, hoping that if we “do enough time,” someone will say that we’ve paid our debt.
The truth is that no punishment we mete out for ourselves is enough. The movie mentions that, but it doesn’t hit the audience over the head with a message. It provides enough framework to make the viewer think about their own sins, and hopefully will provide launching pads for discussion about God’s forgiveness with others.
Happy Birthday to Me (Tom, Pictures)
Posted by Tom in Uncategorized on September 4th, 2010
I had a great 40th birthday yesterday. I wanted to return to the decade of my youth, so we had an 1980s-themed party. Deb let her creative juices flow, and made a Pac-Man cake with a game board that used cupcakes for dots. Many friends stopped by to wish me well, and I appreciate every one of them.

My letter jacket--for the sake of all involved, I didn't try it on.

This was the Pac-Man board that Deb created.

If it wasn't for Atari, I wouldn't have a job today.

I had completely forgotten about the preppie fad. Thanks, Eric!

Before the iPod, there was the Walkman. And in that Walkman, there was Night Ranger.

One highlight was a game of 80's trivia.

If Eric went preppie, then Joe went the other direction: mullet, muscle shirt and Zubaz.

Deb & Me
Thank you to everyone who helped make this birthday memorable (and fun).
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